Sunday, March 25, 2018

Books of 2018- Installment #3

11. Of Books and Bagpipes by Paige Shelton
I saw this at the local bookstore and decided to read it. I had low expectations because it seemed kind of like one of those themed mystery novels, and perhaps it can fit into that category, but it's actually really good! Now this is book two which is not the ideal order to read a series in, but I did it. And now I think I'll go back and read the first one!!!

12. A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire
This is the second book in the October Daye series. I love the concept behind It Occurs to Me that I am America, but I needed something light too. Life is bringing me down- between the horrific alternative universe where Donald Trump is the president that I live in and the shite happening at work, I just needed October Daye!!!

13. It Occurs to Me that I am America edited by Johnathan Santlofer
I don't know how you reacted to the presidential election results of 2016, but I was and am devastated by them. So when I learned about this book, I had to buy it. The proceeds go to the ACLU. Another reason to buy it. I'll admit, when I bought it was a little disappointed that there wasn't any Sherman Alexie in it. I thought for sure if nothing else there should be his poem Hymn in it. Then, you know... all of the sexual misconduct allegations against him came out. I don't know... it's a tough time. How to love those who hurt you? How to love in the face of hate? How to love when you are being knocked down and beat up? How to love when you are feeling destroyed? I don't know. I don't know. I just know that I want to try. So I say to the writers of this book- lift me up! Or bring me down or console me that I am not alone. Help me deal with the trauma.
  • Lift me up- “Among other things, democracy is about respect for joy, and books are joy.” - Balancing Acts
  • Bring me down- “Directly from the funeral I came home. I sat on my bed and wrapped myself in my blanket and I took these pills, all these pills. But not because I think it was my fault. It’s only, nothing has changed. If we’re silent, if we speak up; if we’re cowardly, if we’re brave; if we’re unwary, if we’re prepared; if we’re harsh, if we’re merciful: the ending is the same.” - If They Come in the Morning
  • Console me that I am not alone- “In general, Joelle had been hovering just above despair with the occasional dip into hopelessness. Her mood was not buoyed by the news updates that she ingested regularly on her iPhone, despite her best efforts to limit her intake. Her own life became as uncertain as American democracy.” - Lucky Girl
  • Help me deal with the trauma- “What I most want my daughters and grandchildren to understand is that it’s okay to love flawed people with your whole heart and soul because if you don’t, you’ll end up with a low opinion of yourself.” - Top Step

14. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
So I'm not sure how it happened, but I got this book free from It took me awhile to get into this book for whatever reason... (could be it doesn't match my It Occurs to Me that I am America mood, could be the royalty in the book... As a rule, I really don't like stories with kings and queens) But once submerged in this world, I found it enjoyable and am interested in reading the second book in the series- Windwitch.

15. The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 edited by John Joseph Adams and Charles Yu
I listen to a really interesting podcast with John Joseph Adams and when he talked about editing this anthology (Geeks' Guide) with Charles Yu, I was in!! I love the other anthology I read that John Joseph Adams did (Cosmic Powers) and I like Charles Yu (Science Fictional Universe). So you know I went to the local book store and bought myself a copy. It took me a long time to actually read it because I've been crochet in my free time and not reading but that does not mean I did not want to. I wanted to!!! What I didn't realize was how much the intro was going to make me think of It Occurs to Me that I am America, but it did. A lot. I also didn't think Charles was going to say what I've been feeling- that the universe split and I'm in the wrong alternative universe. I want to be in the one with Hillary as the president not (insert favorite Cheetos-themed expletive here).

Friday, March 23, 2018

Short Story Collections/Anthologies

I adore short stories! Adore them! I, of course, love the immersive world of a fabulous novel, but a short story can pack a wallop like nothing else! Sure not all stories are going to grab you, that's true for long or short stories. But when you read that one! Oh! What a thing of beauty! They stay with you in a more complete way, I find, than a novel. And as someone who doesn't reread much, I find a great short story such a pleasure to reread.

One thing, though, is finding those great short stories. That takes a lot more effort. I've read plenty of collections that have not held my interest. Why is that? I cannot say, rather what I can say is what works for me. Generally I would say great collections fall into two categories for me: those by authors that I adore and those curated by an editor I adore. Now, I only recently came to understand the importance of the editor. By far my absolutely favorite curator/editor of short stories is John Joseph Adams. I first "discovered" him via Geek's Guide to the Galaxy (I like David Barr Kirtley, too!), where he impressed me when discussing his anthology Cosmic Powers. He did not disappoint! In the interest of full disclosure, though, I've only read two John Joseph Adams' anthologies thus far, but I will change that in the near future!

So I decided to collect my own compilation of short story anthologies. Enjoy!
  1. The 13 Best Horror Stories of All Time edited by Leslie Pockell (1902)
  2. The Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017 edited by John Joseph Adams and Charles Yu
  3. Cat Pictures and Other Stories by Naomi Kritzer (2014)
  4. Christmas Stars edited by David G. Hartwell (1964)
  5. Cosmic Powers edited by John Joseph Adams (2017)
  6. Emerald Circus by Jane Yolen (2017)
  7. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury (1945)
  8. My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins (2014)
  9. Quantum Zoo edited by DJ Gelner and JM Ney-Grimm (2014)
  10. Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang (2002)
  11. Strange Romance by Scott William Carter (2012)
  12. Till Human Voices Wake Us by Annie Bellet (2012)
  13. Trigger Warnings by Neil Gaiman (2013)
  14. A Wild Swan by Michael Cunningham (2015)