Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Books of 2018- Installment #5

21. What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah 
I learned about this book from LeVar Burton on his podcastLeVar Burton Reads. He reads a story oh so well, and this story was so compelling, I decided to read the collection. I'm not sure why it took nearly a year for me to get to it, but much as way leads on to way, book leads on to book. At any rate, now that I've read it, I would say the best word to describe it is haunting. There's a lot of trauma in this novel, and it's hard for me to take.

22. Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
I'm not sure how I heard about this book, but the cover is gorgeous! As I read it, I kept thinking of it as ArtDecoPunk. I don't think such a thing exists, but if it did, I think this would be an example of it. It's a fictional land that feels to me like a fictional Europe of the 1930s. There's intrigue and decadence. The cast of characters is pretty male-dominated and that is not what I was hoping for when reading a book by a female author, but there you go. This land is on the cusp of a governmental change that seems fascist, which cuts to the bone for me now. As I watched the country descend into this more fascist regime, I felt it as history, fantasy, and present moment. A bit overwhelming...

23. The Best American Science Fiction Fantasy (2016) edited by John Joseph Adams and Karen Joy Fowler
I knew I wanted to read this book when I first saw it, but alas it takes a long time to get to books sometimes. Which is why I stopped adding books from the library to my TBR because books I own keep getting backburnered for the library books. And this book is no exception. But I love John Joseph Adams anthologies, so here we are!

Some of my favs are (in order of appearance in the anthology):

24. Those Who Watch by Robert Silverberg
I saw this at our local comic bookstore and felt compelled to get it. It doesn't take much to make me want to read a book! It is a first contact story written in 1967. There's even intergalactic species sex, which for whatever reason made me think of Star Trek. Maybe the reasons for that aren't so mysterious... Anyway, the back jacket says, "It is also the most unusual love story ever told." So i wasn't alive in 1967 but this isn't a love story in my book.

25. Killing Gravity by Corey J. White
I got this book free from Tor.com ages ago and decided now was the time to check it out. I didn't want to read another male writer, so I almost didn't read this. But I really like All Systems Red and Killing Gravity seemed like it might share a sensibility with ASR. And then I noticed that they were talking about voidwitches in different blurbs about it. That struck me as being like Truthwitch, which I also got from Tor.com. That sold me! And then the story grabbed me with its opening sentence! And it doesn't hurt that there's a cat like creature, named Seven, crawling around inside the space suit of the main character, Mars. Love it!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Books of 2018- Installment #4

16. An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire
This is the third book in the October Daye series, and while I wasn't going to read it so soon after having read the second one, it came to me via the library hold systems, so here I am. I really enjoyed this book!! I have fallen hard for Toby Daye!!!

17. Windwitch by Susan Dennard
This book just kept me gripped. When I first picked up this book I just wanted to read about Merik, but about 5 minutes into the book that all changed and I wanted to know about everyone! And let me tell you, it did not go anywhere I expected!

18. The Music Shop by Rachel Joyce
My friend said that this book was fantastic! She raved. I put it on hold at the library and waited and waited. When it finally came I eagerly started it. Then I wondered. I wondered why she was so enamored of it. I kept reading it. It was pleasant. Then it turned a corner and then I knew! It's a kind of a quiet book about quiet lives, but it's wonderful!

19. The Fantastic Adventures of Robin Hood edited by Martin H. Greenberg
When I saw this book at the local comic book store, I knew I wanted to read it, but I didn't get it right away. I pondered it. Then when I came back and it was still there, I decided to get it. I wanted to see different takes on Robin Hood. Even so, it took me awhile to get to it. There are some very interesting takes on Robin Hood in the book, so I'm quite like and some that didn't really do it for me. That's okay. I figured that would happen. So far the only editor that I really enjoy is John Joseph Adams.

20. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
I keep getting free books from Tor.com which blows my mind! Anyway, I had heard this books was amazing so I chose to read this one next! I found it super engaging and quite the quick read. I'm looking forward to reading the next one in the series!