Friday, May 25, 2018

Books of 2018- Installment #7

31. Black Helicopters by Caitlin R. Kiernan
I loved, loved, loved Agents of Dreamland, the first book in this series, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. I think I understood it less than I did Agents of Dreamland, but she has such a fascinating mind and OMG a million references. I feel like I need to reread both of the books, back to back to possibly understand them!

32. Want by Cindy Pon 
This book is set in a dystopian future in Taiwan. An English language sci-fi book set in Taiwan. I'm in! I was happy visiting Taipei and seeing a possible future set in Taipei. It isn't the happiest future (see descriptor dystopian) so that was less exciting. This is definitely a novel aimed for teenagers.

33. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
I really found All Systems Red (the first book in the Murderbot Diaries) very compelling and so preordered this book and, like the first book, devoured this one in nothing flat. Martha Wells has truly created a captivating character in this murderbot/SecUnit, but she's also made such a rich and engaging world beyond the central character.

34. The Stolen Bicycle by Ming-yi Wu
I absolutely adored, adored, adored The Man with Compound Eyes. This book, which is a translation, felt written for me. It felt like someone looked into my heart and my head and said, "Teresa needs this book." So when I learned that this amazing author had another book that had been translated (and by the same translator!) I was so excited!!! It's a really good book but heavy! The animal cruelty depicted weighs heavy on my heart.

35. Late Eclipses by Seanan Mcguire
This is the fourth book in the October Daye series and reading it is like slipping into a comfy pair of yoga pants. Such a treat to snuggle up for a good yarn!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Books of 2018- Installment #6

26. Witches of Lychford by Paul Cornell
So I know I sound like a broken record, but really- I got this book for free from After reading the first couple of free books from Tor I was actually really eager to read this one. And it was awesome! I devoured it! I couldn't read it in one sitting because the real world intervened, but that was the only reason I didn't! I can't really say why but it kind of reminded me of Terry Pratchett- but it's not really like a Terry Pratchett book so don't think that it is. Unless being a delight to inhabit is all you need to compare a book to a Discworld book. I'm actually super psyched that this is the first book in a series! I'm eager to read the next one!!!(And I'm sure I'll look back on this year's quote at some future date and know it was during the Trump presidency just by my choices!!)

27. Void Black Shadow by Corey J. White
I really just wanted to get back with Mars and Ocho. And I definitely devoured this book but there were some rough, rough scenes!!

28. The Lost Child of Lychford by Paul Cornell
This trilogy has been super engaging and I think the fact that each installment is so short is a big part of its genius. Both books leave me wanting more!

29. Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente
I was so exciting to read this book. People kept saying it was like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and I know why. I was so excited because I've recently read a couple of short stories by Catherynne M. Valente and looooooooooooooved them. The Future is Blue and Planet Lion!!! OMG!!! Love them!!!!! And there were many things I enjoyed about this book, but I never felt the book. I never got swept up by despite really enjoying some aspects of the book. Dunno... Reading about her love and Douglas Adams and her cat were the most moving parts for me and that was after the book was over.

30. A Long Day in Lychford by Paul Cornell
I will confess that while I am deeply enjoying this series, the reason I seem to be devouring them and not doing my normal thing of spacing them out is because I am spacing them out. It just doesn't look like it because it's taking me sooooooooooo long to read Space Opera, which I find disheartening. I was so excited about that book. But on the plus side, I looooove this series!!!