Friday, March 8, 2019

Books of 2019- Installment #5

21. Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me  & You by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jonny Sun
Oh, my how sweet is this book!!! And the drawings put me over the moon!!!

22. Earthly Delights by Kerry Greenwood
I love the Phryne Fisher mysteries, so I was excited to start another series by Kerry Greenwood. This is like and not like Phryne. The main character Corinna is a baker and is surrounded by cats, so I'm so happy!

23. The Bees by Laline Paull
My friend keeps meeting beekeepers, and I heard that this book had a nonhuman narrator. Sign me up! I am fascinated with the societies of the other inhabitants of this planet, that we for the most part act like don't exist. So this book is really fascinating because we are immersed in a beehive and their society.

24. Disappearance at Devil's Rock by Paul Tremblay
I joined an online horror book club, and there was a poll to see which book would be our first book. This book was in the lead and I was afraid if I waited until the book was chosen that I wouldn't be able to get. The library had it so I got it. Now I'm not really into horror, but I have enjoyed quite a few books that are considered horror and I was considering A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay a long time ago, so... here we are. Turns out, I devoured this book and don't think it was horror at all. Scared me but not as much as other books but definitely good!!

25. Dead Man's Chest by Kerry Greenwood
This is the 18th book in the Phryne Fisher mysteries. I have been enjoying it so very much that I decided to savor them. And I have, but this year I decided I would finish this series. I even started a different Kerry Greenwood series (Earthly Delights is the first!) to prep myself! And this book is so good! I'm so glad I read it! It really lifted my spirits!

I've read 25 books so far and 17 were by women, 7 by men, and 1 by mostly women. My year of reading lots of women is still going strong!!

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