Monday, September 9, 2019

Books of 2019- Installment #17

81. The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster
I'm not gonna lie. I totally wanted to read this book because of the gorgeous cover!! The fact that it's a super short novella didn't hurt!! This book really reminded me of the world that Truthwitch by Susan Dennard is set in.

82. Recursion by Blake Crouch
I loved Dark Matter but not the Wayward Pines series, so I didn't know if this book would be for me. But it was!!! It was an incredible ride that I did not know what to expect from. The premise is there is this incredibly smart scientist whose mother has Alzheimer's, and she wants to find a way to preserve her mother's (and other Alzheimer's sufferers') memories for her/them. She invents something but what that ends up being used for is not Alzheimer's! Amazing!!

83. Of Sorrow and Such by Angela Slatter
I can't think of any other Australian fantasy that I've ever read before and I really enjoyed this novella. It has a lot of familiar elements but also ones that were novel- hello! Wonderful! This is about a little rural town and the witches that live in it. Well, you know how women and witches are treated...

84. Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian
I'm not super into English stories. So many!! I don't really need more! I really don't want to read any more WWII stories! OMG! I don't remember where I heard about this book, but I put it on hold at the library and was a little like, "Oh, English countryside... sigh..." But I was actually surprised to find this book is set after WWII and found that really interesting. So there's a murder in an English town and a British spy is sent to investigate because the murder took place in the house of an important military/businessman (cuz he's landed gentry and that's what they do?) living there. The inhabitants of this town are interesting, and there's some really interesting character development related to the psychic wounds inflicted on soldiers. I quite liked it.

85. Do You Dream of Terra-Two? by Temi Oh
I don't know what inspired this book, but it feels like the author said, what if the British Empire had developed a space agency? What if the Soviets/Russians, Americans, and Brits were on more equal footing during the space race? It's the year 2012 and the Brits are sending a ship on a 23-year journey to Earth 2 aka Terra-Two. It's part alternate history, part space adventure, and part colonization story with great character development.

I've read 85 books so far and 61 were by woman, 21 by men, and 3 anthologies with both female and male authors- two of which were mostly female authors. My year of reading lots of women is still going strong!!!

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