There's a house on the greenbelt that's been posting jokes on a chalkboard they hung up specifically for this purpose. I love this!! I didn't snap a picture every day, but I got most of them!
How does the man in the moon cut his hair?
E-clipse it!
What did the big pickle say to the little pickle?
I'm kind of a big dill!
What does a chili pepper do when you make it angry?
It gets in jalapeno face!
My son collects two types of bugs and lets them run loose in the house. I'm tired of his ant ticks!
Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg joke?
Because it might crack up!
Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Because the p is silent!!
What is a foot long and slippery?
A slipper!
We know it's hard to find toilet paper right now, but you can! You just have 2-ply yourself!
What happens when you put ducks in a cement mixer?
You get a lot of quacks!
I'd tell you about a joke about the roof, but it would be over your head!
Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed!
Why did the gymnast put extra salt on her food?
So she could do summer salts.
Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper makes them sneeze!!
What are students' and teachers' favorite two words?
Summer vacation!
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